Admin Table Test

CountyName Of CafeCafe Co-OrdinatorPhone NumberEmailVenueDate and Time
CavanForget-me-not CafeCarole Beattie0852669542carolebeattie@msn.comCommunity Centre Castlemanor Nursing Home Cavan11 am till 12.30 pm on the last Monday of every month.
CarlowCabin Cafe
Margaret/Susan089 2606828Old School House, 1 Little Barrack St,
First Monday of each month.
10 am - 12 noon.
CorkKanturk/ Newmarket Dementia CafeMargaret McEntee
Sheena Cadoo
0860255205sheena.cadoo@hse.ieCulturlann Building, Newmarket, Co. Cork. P51D85410.30 am - 12.30 pm on the first Thursday of every month.
CorkYoughal Social CafeNicola Lucey086 4668484nicola.lucey2@hse.ieHoly Family Church Hall, Youghal, Cork11 am - 1 pm the last Friday of every month.
CorkKnocknaheeny Memory CafePaula Casey086 0762452
021 4300135
paula@nicheonline.ieSt. Mary's Senior Citizens Hall, Foyle Ave. Knocknaheeny, Cork11 am - 1 pm on the second Monday of every month.
CorkBantry Memory CafeCatherina Lane087 9103036catherina@locallinkcork.ieMaritime Hotel, Bantry, Co. Cork11 am - 1 pm first Wednesday of every month
CorkFermoy Dementia CafeMargaret McEntee and Sheena Cadoo0860255205sheena.cadoo@hse.ieAdair Hall, Fermoy, Co. Cork2.30pm - 4.30pm on the fourth Wednesday of every month.
Newmarket Alzheimer Cafe
Linda Grogannewmarket.alzcafe@alzheimer.ieThe Culturlann
Co. Cork
P51 D854
First Thursday of every month from 11am - 1pm.
Ballincollig Alzheimer Cafe
Karen Fitzpatrick087 3487511karen.fitzpatrick@alzheimer.ieChapel Gate Cafe
P31 XP38
Third Thursday of the month 4 pm - 6 pm.
Carrigaline Alzheimer Cafe
Karen Fitzpatrick087 3487511karen.fitzpatrick@alzheimer.ieFamily Support Centre
Church Road
Co. Cork
P43 FR80
Second Thursday of the month 3 pm - 5 pm.
Clare Alzheimer Cafe
Hadley Fitzpatrick087 1898711hadley.fitzpatrick@alzheimer.ieShannon GAA ClubhouseFirst Wednesday of the month from 2pm - 4pm.
DonegalBallybofey Donegal Alzheimer CafeChristine Kyohairwe087 7787043christine.kyohairwe@alzheimer.ieVilla Rose Hotel, Ballybofey, Co. Donegal
F93 C2CF
11.30am - 1 pm
Second Wednesday of every month.
Clare & TipperaryConnect CafeAifric Devane061-374741reception@kbfrc.ieKillaloe Ballina Family Resource Centre, The Green Killaloe V94 W7X8 6.30pm - 8.30 pm on the last Tuesday of every month.
Cupán Tae Memory Café
Regina Lafferty

083 014 5869
CupanTae@alzheimer.ieNaomh Barróg GAA Club, Kilbarrack2 pm - 4 pm on the second Wednesday of every month.
DublinMusic & ChatsTracy Martin
0834437854baysidecommunitycentre.ieBayside Community Centre
Bayside Square North
Dublin 13
2.30pm - 3.30pm every Wednesday
DublinDementia Cafe DonnybrookNiamh Bruce089 4712393info@alzheimercafe.ieAvila Carmelite Centre Bloomfield Avenue, Donnybrook, Dublin 4.7pm - 9pm on the Second Thursday of every month starting April 13 2023
DublinSt Josephs Shankill Dementia CafeNicola Yau01 2823000Nicola.yau@sjog.ieSt Josephs Shankill Dementia Cafe10.30 am on the second Tuesday of every month
DublinSouth County Dublin Alzheimer CaféFrances Redmond0867926766frances.redmond@alzheimer.ieBalally Parish Pastoral Centre, Cedar Road, Balally, Dublin 16. D16 K7C37 pm - 9 pm on the second Wednesday of every month.
DublinSkerries Forget Me Not CafeMiriam Carrollskerriesforgetmenotcafe@gmail.comSkerries Harps GAA, Dublin Road, Skerries K34 HC8911 am - 12.30 pm on the second Wednesday of every month.
DublinSwords Memory CafeSinead Warren086-8463273sinead.warren@fingallians.comFingallians GAA Club
Seatown West
Co. Dublin
10.30 am - 12.30 pm third Thursday of every month.
The Harold's Cross Alzheimer Cafe
Edel086 8204017ebyrne@alzheimer.ieOur Lady’s Hospice & Care Services, Harold’s Cross7pm – 9 pm
First Tuesday of the month
DublinDonabate Memory CafeSandra Mathews
018434546sandra.mathews@dpcc.ieDonabate Community Centre, Portrane Road, Donabate, Co Dublin K36F59811 am - 1 pm
Last Wednesday of every month.
DublinBallyroan Cara CafeAilbhe Mulligan086-1763026community@sdublincoco.ieBallyroan Community and Youth Cafe, Marian Rd., Rahtfarnham, Dublin 14Second Tuesday of each month at 1.30pm
DublinMaking Memories CafeAmanda Wilkinson0860449627amanda.wilkinson@hse.ieWhitehall Colmcilles GAA Club (Puck Lane) Collins Avenue Dublin 9 D09 W6811 am - 1 pm. Last Tuesday of every month.
GalwayGalway Alzheimer CafeMaureen Mannion086 8211540maureen.mannion@alzheimer.ieMenlo Park Hotel Galway2 pm - 4 pm on the first Friday of every month.
KildareKildare Dementia CafeCaroline Morrin086 1372871oldervoiceskildare@countykildarelp.ieKildare Community Development Centre, Meadow Rd, Kildare Town R51RF882.30 pm - 4.30 pm last Thursday of every month.
KerryThe Kingdom Dementia Cafe.Mary Hennessy085 1149078mtrr@bailemhuire.ieThe Rose Hotel, Tralee, Co. Kerry Virtual Cafe11am - 12.30 pm on the first Thursday of every month.
Killarney Alzheimer Cafe
Michelle O'Shea086 8830577killarneyalzheimercafe@alzheimer.ieKilcoolaght
Co. Kerry
V93 TW1A
Third Wednesday of the month 11 am - 1 pm.
Laois Alzheimer Cafe
Grainne Roche Duff087 6075037Dunamaise Theatre PortlaoiseLast Thursday of the month from 11 am - 1 pm.
LeitrimLeitrim Memory CafeSharon Richardson087-1784391sharon.richardson@hse.ieCafé Paradiso, Carrick Cineplex, Sligo Road, Carrick on Shannon, County RoscommonLast Tuesday of the month 11.00am - 1.00 pm
(apart from July and August)
LimerickCarebright Dementia CafeCorina Leddin087 1035054dementiacafe@carebright.ieYarn Cafe, Carebright Ardykeohane, Bruff, Co. Limerick V94 NV32Third Thursday of every month.
LouthThe Dundalk Memory CafeMaeve Montgomery0877489258mmontgomery@alzheimer.ieDundalk Library, Dundalk, Co. LouthSecond Tuesday of every month at 2.30pm
LouthDrogheda Memory CafeHelen Barron/ Ann Shortt087
The Drogheda Library , Stockwell Street, Drogheda11 a.m. on the second Tuesday of every month. Live cafe and Virtual Cafe as the speakers are livestreamed.
Longford Alzheimer Cafe
Eileen Kilbride086 3115544eileen.kilbride@alzheimer.ieNo2 ,Earl Street, Longford N39 N254. Last Wednesday of the month 7 pm - 8.30 pm.
MeathMeath Alzheimer's CafeJohn Kelly0878213075johngpkelly@gmail.comPastoral Centre, Dunshaughlin, Co. Meath7 pm - 9 pm on the first Wednesday of every month.
MeathThe Book of Memories CafeDanielle Timmons0871469624thebookofmemoriescafe@gmail.comEureka House, Navan Road, Kells, Co. Meath, A82 DX4712 -2pm First Thursday of every month.
Launch date 2.5.2024
Offaly Dementia Cafe
Noirin Chalouche089 9553940claire.dolan@alzheimer.ieSecond Monday of the month at 10.30 am.
RoscommonRoscommon Dementia Alliance CafeTeresa O'Brien0860291215teresa@ridc.ieLough Key Forest Park, Boyle, Roscommon
F52 PY66
2 pm on the third Wednesday of every month.
Sligo Memory Cafe
Clair Culkin085 8720043clair.culkin@alzheimer.ieSligo Park Hotel
Third Thursday of the month 11 am - 1 pm.
TipperaryConnect CafeAifric Devane061-374741reception@kbfrc.ieKillaloe Ballina Family Resource Centre, The Green Killaloe V94 W7X8 6.30pm - 8.30 pm on the last Tuesday of every month.
TipperaryNenagh/Ballina Dementia CaféNoelle Clancy0830178006noelle.clancy@silverarchfrc.ieSilver Arch Family Resource Centre
52 Silver Street
Nenagh, Tipperary
E45 P624
First Thursday of every month 11 am - 12.30 pm.
Launch of this new cafe on February 1st 2024
TipperaryRoscrea Dementia CafeAnne Keevey0505 22 550annekeevey@hotmail.comCourt House Roscrea11.00 am - 12.30 pm on the last Friday of every month.
TipperaryTipperary Town Dementia CafeGemma O’Donnell087 3910840gemma.odonnell@alzheimer.ieKnockanrawley FRC, Co. Tipperary.11 am – 12.30 pm on the last Friday of every month.
TipperaryThurles Memory CafeJennifer Manning
Ursula Paine
086 1952310
086 8381818
upaine@gmail.comBookworm, Liberty Square, Thurles, Co. Tipperary11 am - 12.30 pm on the first Wednesday of every month.
TipperaryThe Rosemary CafeAlice Teehan0831014313eldercare@mfrc.ieMillennium Family Resource Centre, Thurles, Co. Tipperary11.30 - 1.00 pm first Tuesday of every month.
TipperaryLet's TalkAnne Quinn or Mary Ryan0870550050livingwellwithdementia@hse.ieCafe in Clonmel, Co. TipperaryThis is a group for people in the early stages of dementia. Please contact us first to see if it is suitable for you
Nenagh & Ballina/Killaloe Virtual Cafe
Sean Donal O'Shea087 0926617seandonal.oshea@alzheimer.ieVirtualAlternate 2nd Tuesday and 3rd Thursday
TipperaryCashel Memory CafeMarguerite Keating062 63825Contact Cashel Library for informationCashel Library, Friary St, Cashel, Co. Tipperary11 am - 12.30pm Second Tuesday of every month.
TipperaryCarrick-On- Suir Memory CafeCarrick-On-Suir Library051-600719Carrick-On-Suir Library, Fairgreen, Carrick-On-Suir, Co. Tipperary E32 X86011 am - 12.30pm Second Monday of the month excluding July and August. Launch date Monday 8th April at 11am.
WaterfordDeise Memories CafeAngela O'Shea087 1800187angelat.oshea@hse.ieSr. Heart Parish Centre, Sr Heart Church, The Folly, Waterford10.30 am - 12 noon. Second Wednesday of every month.
WexfordWexford Dementia Alliance Pop Up Cafe at GrantstownPaul Carey051561016manager@grantstownpriory.comGrantstown Day Care Centre, Wellintonbridge, Co. Wexford.10.30 on the fourth Friday of every month.
Virtual Wexford Alzheimer Cafe
Susan Eccelstone
Mary Conry Thomas
086 2722551
087 7003595
wexfordvirtualcafe@alzheimer.ieVirtualLast Tuesday of the month 11 am - 12 noon.
WestmeathCosy Cafe, Kilbeggan Parish Centre, Harbour Rd, Kilbeggan, N91 R851Fr. Brendan Corrigan0872618353brendanfcorrigan@gmail.comKilbeggan Parish Centre Harbour Road Kilbeggan, Westmeath N91 R85111am - 1pm on the second Tuesday of each month.
InternationalBougainvillea City Dementia Cafe - Associate MemberPak 9.30 am - 12 noon. Every Third Tuesday of every month.